4D Tools 5400000 4D Tools is a utility that allows you to verify, compact and repair 4D databases. It also allows you to permanently sort database files. TOOLPTH.TXT TOOLREG.TXT Customizer Plus 1800000 Customizer Plus is a utility that allows you to customize your 4D applications. CUSTOPTH.TXT CUSTOREG.TXT 4D Runtime 5800000 4D Runtime is a redistribuable application that may be used to run 4D databases in interpreted mode. Please see the "Read Me" file for more information. 4DRUNPTH.TXT Label Customizer 1000000 LabelCusto allows creation and installation of predefined Labels Templates. It's also a Customization Tool for the Labels Wizard. You can also look at the code which is an example of Resources management. LABELPTH.TXT LABELREG.TXT ACI Diagnostic 1300000 ACI Diagnostic allows you to gather some informations on system configuration. acidiagPTH.TXT acidiagREG.TXT